Or imagine , going under water in a " SUBMARINE ", and staying dry
for several months while travelling inside and living comfortably,
and watching a movie in a cosy atmosphere ." Pure Science Fiction"
Or even, would they dreamed that a small " T W O W H E E L E D
E N G I N E ", just bigger than a baby , could drive " 1 0 0 miles an hour ?"
climb " HILLS " and jump few meters , or ride free , in the fresh air
through the forest , with even an " E X T R A P A S S E N G E R "....
"H E A V E N S !!! " Could it be with " L a d y Q u e e n L o v e "
of my dreams !!! W O N D E R F U L !!!
Or even , Explore " S P A C E " with huge Telescopes , predicting
weather forecast , see the " S T A R S " invisible to the naked eye,
discover other " P L A N E T S " and " G A L A X I E S " with
unknown " W O R L D S " beyond our imagination ...
Pure " M A G I C " ... and even , at times thinking of being
" G O D " themselves .....
And also , the last achievements in Modern Medecine ,the exploration
inside our own " body" and see all this tiny microscopic " W o r l d " ....
Discovering , billions of tiny " living cells " through magnetic resonning
imagery , or even performing surgery at a distance , with computer aid ...
Or making huge " C O M P U T E R S " starting with several story
buildings and finally reducing to a hand hold device ...
" S U P E R C O M P U T E R S " calculating at " High and Fantastic"
speed, several billions of operation in a second , or gathering information
on a single " C H I P " not bigger than a " P I N H E A D "
containing " 1 B I L L I O N B I T " of information " D a t a" ....
And the last achievements of all , combining everything in a
" MEDIA CENTER " .... the " N E W E D E N G A R D E N " ...
" E . D . E . N " TRANSLATION for ...
E...............................E L E C T R O N I C A L L Y
D...............................D E V I L I S H
E................................E X T R A - T E R R E S T R I A L
N................................N E T W O R K
OR otherwise " I . N . T . E . R . N . E . T "
I.....................................I N F O R M A T I O N
N....................................N E T W O R K
T....................................T R A N S M I S S I O N
E....................................E L E C T R O N I C A L L Y "
R................................... R O U T E D
N....................................N E W
E....................................E L E M E N T A R Y
T....................................T E C H N I C S
So , what's next........ Mr. " G A T E S " or
" L a d y G O O G L E " or .....
" Mr. S A F A R I "
" Mr . " S O N Y " or Mr . " T O S H I B A " -
or Mr. " H O N D A " ..... or Mr. " Y A M A H A " .....
....... and of course ....
Mr. " B A N A N A " ????
True Science Fiction Realities *** written by Patrick GENSAU
mardi 8 septembre 2009
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